About Us
ID Card Systems, Inc., has been providing identification solutions to customers worldwide since 1995. We offer quality identification card products & security solutions at competitive prices, backed by superior customer service and technical support. Our friendly sales & support staff can be reached anytime of the day, with an actual person on the line to help you out!! ID Card Systems provides solutions for the following markets: Healthcare, Government, Education, Military, Manufacturing, Information Technologies, Professional Sports Organizations & Entertainment Venues.
ID Card Systems, Inc., storefront contains the most common ID Card Printers, ID Card Holders, ID Card Software, Proximity Cards & Proximity Card Reader items used in the industry. Our philosophy is to keep it simple in terms of our online product offering. This allows our customers to find the best ID Card products in the market, that have been tested by ID Card Systems over the last 20 years, versus offering thousands of products that are rarely used. However, if there is a product that is not present on our storefront, please contact our Sales Staff @ 330-963-7446. ID Card Systems can provide any current product related to the identification card industry at a competitive price, after all “IDENTIFICATION IS OUR BUSINESS”
Our Address
ID Card Systems, Inc.
2248 Enterprise Parkway East
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
800-763-9099 (toll free)
330-963-7446 (local)
330-963-7447 (fax)
ID Card Systems, Inc. provides identification card solutions to thousands of satisfied customers throughout the USA, here are just a few: